Sunday, May 13, 2012

When is a hill not a hill??

When is a hill not a hill!

I have neglected my 'jog blog' of late so I thought today presented a perfect opportunity for an update!

I completed my second competitive 10k run today - a key milestone in my training for the Great North Run.

The run today was in Market Drayton.  A well established race that is well attended by both runners and supporters. 

My prior knowledge of today's course was that it was fairly flat with 2 hills.  A great course for the more professional runner to grab a personal best time.

My prep went well - I have been incorporating hill training into my runs as I know from experience that the Great North Run is one hell of a hilly course, and it would also be useful for the hills in the run today.

So it was with delight that I got to the 3k mark, and in my mind I had run up two hills.  They were very clearly inclines, and as such would be considered a 'hill'.  Excellent - (I naively thought) a nice flat 7k in front of me.

But definition of a hill is clearly not on a par with others'!  There, hiding behind a strategically placed corner, was a hill of mountainous proportions!!!
(Well - perhaps that is a bit of an exaggeration - but you get my drift)

So, my head went down and I focused on the road 5ft in front of me - and didn't look up until I got to the top of the hill (from this point on to be known as Mountain 1).

So yes, I had to expect that by default it meant there would be another hill (Mountain 2) lurking somewhere in the remaining course.  And I wasn't wrong!

Regardless of the unexpected extra inclines - it was a good race.  The sunshine ensured the crowds came out to cheer the runners on which always helps to spur me on.

Despite feeling wrecked and conned by the hills, it was a great day.  However, it has made me realise I need to step up the Great North Run training!  The crowds who line the route of the Great North Run are good (fabulous in fact) - but they are not enough to help me drag my sorry butt up and down the unforgiving course.

Let the training continue!

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